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The Invasion At Our Border



The escalating circumstances that we, the proud people of Texas, are witnessing right now can be best described as nothing less than a complete and total invasion. In our journey dedicated to shine a light on the many reasons why we need TEXIT, the magnitude of the situation is becoming increasingly clearer and disconcerting.

No circumstance better encapsulates the urgency for Texas’ independence than the persistent neglect by the federal government of its obligations. We stand witnesses to countless events highlighting the fact that the federal government refuses to step in and stop the invasion. Despite the consistent pleas and hopes from us, the power at the center refuses to act in the interests of the Texans.

Now more than ever, it is becoming apparent that we can no longer afford to place our hopes in a system not designed to prioritize our specific needs. The necessity to ensure our sovereignty, protect our borders, uphold our values, and fundamentally, control our destiny, is becoming more urgent than ever before. Today, it is abundantly clear; this isn’t about a lone fight for independence, but a desperate need to preserve our distinct culture, societal fabric, and the financial future of our Great State of Texas.

Therefore, the need for TEXIT isn’t simply a political lever – it’s a lifeline to ensure the survival, growth, and prosperity of Texas. It is a call for Texas’ freedom to make its decisions without an aloof federal entity overstepping its boundaries and undermining the very principles of democracy and federalism.

It is high time we took a stand against such invasive practices, for only in doing so will we be able to pave the way for a brighter, freer, and more prosperous Texas. To keep up with the rapidly unfolding events and to learn more about why the need for TEXIT is now more pressing than ever, join us in our continuous efforts. Let’s work together to secure the future of Texas for generations to come. The fight for independence is upon us. The time to act is now.

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