“As one of the main voices advocating for an independent Texas free and distinct from the rest of the United States, The Texas Nationalist Movement proudly presents our latest video discussing our core values, mission, and forward-thinking objectives. We believe this video perfectly encapsulates our vision and will help in spreading our message to an even wider audience.
At the heart of the Texas Nationalist Movement is a steadfast belief in the undeniable right of the people of Texas to self-determination. Just as the nation’s founders themselves have stated, we aim to protect and proclaim this basic right, the prime belief that Texas should govern Texas.
While the diverse geographies of Texas reflect a landscape teeming with unique cultures and identities, our mission binds us together. Despite our incredible diversity, echoing in our hearts is a universal chorus calling for independence, justice, and the protection of our Texan identity.
Our latest video expounds on these core values with clear and concise messaging. It addresses our mission and objectives, and how we plan to mobilize the prose of self-governance into pragmatic actions and tangible outcomes.
While today’s world is characterized by increasing globalization and integration, we Texans remain resilient in preserving our cultural sovereignty. Through the Texas Nationalist Movement, we aim not to belittle these globalizing forces but to emphasize our firm belief that Texas has always been, and always should be, a distinct entity operating under its own rules and governance.
The video further underscores our dedication to promoting political, cultural, and economic independence. Texas is more than just a state, it’s a symbol of freedom and strength. And this abundant strength sprouts from the right of its people to make the decisions that affect them the most – a principle that we at the TNM strive to uphold and advance.
The Texas Nationalist Movement invites you, our fellow Texans, to join us in our pursuit for a Texas, unfettered and unapologetic in its Texan identity, and independent in all domains, from legislation, to economics, and more.
Our latest video is a rallying cry for those who believe in our cause, and an invitation for all to understand our mission. It’s a beacon of the Texan drive for self-determination and independence, a testament to the spirit that Texas should be governed by and for Texans. We hope it will inspire you, the same way it embodies our passion and dedication for an independent Texas.”