Without a doubt, the relationship between Texas and the federal government is terminally broken.
If you look at what’s happening at our southern border, it’s like a vinyl record waiting to get fixed, yet the Biden administration utterly neglects our national security.
However, people are starting to wake up to reality. In today’s episode, we discuss a new phenomenon happening in our backyards as politicians and constituents in massive blue cities finally get a sense of the absolute disaster that Texas has been experiencing for years. And let’s say they’re losing their minds.
Also, on today’s episode, we’re joined by J.D. Wilcox of Fearless Films to discuss his documentary on the Conch Republic and the little-known secession of a small area in Florida in the 1980s. J.D. begins with a brief overview of his personal background and what led to his investigation of the Florida Keys. Then, he explains how the Conch Republic’s secession relates to TEXIT and how it relates to or differs from other known independence movements. You won’t want to miss this episode!
Listen on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/1ujqYrDwb1HHeGpUp6Wk8c?si=87965490293640b2
Listen on Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-conch-republic-and-our-southern-border/id1691428143?i=1000630471869
The little that has been done on the border is being undermined by the Federal government as if they are intentionally trying to collapse Texas. Thus, there’s no doubt that we are under a political attack, an economic attack, a cultural attack, and the hits keep coming. We know the only way that we’re ever going to be able actually to secure the border is through TEXIT.
Furthermore, the independence story of the Conch Republic should inspire us. Why? Because it just further proves we can push back against the federal government’s ignorance and succeed. If you want to learn more about the story, check out the trailer for J.D. Wilcox’s film “Adventures of the Conch Republic” by clicking here.
Now, just a couple of reminders: First, December 1st is our Texas Petition Campaign deadline, and we need your help now more than ever. By just signing a petition, we have the opportunity to get a vote on TEXIT in March of 2024.
So head to our site by clicking here, get your name on the dotted line, and please share the link with everyone you know!
Secondly, we are even closer to the largest-ever gathering for self-determination advocates in North America: TEXITCon! We’ve got an amazing lineup of speakers just for you, including J.D. Wilcox, Weston Martinez, the legend himself, Senator Bob Hall, and many more. So, do yourself a favor right now and get your tickets here. Of course, if you’re a member of the TNM, you should’ve received a code that will get you a special discount.
Additionally, the Texas News Podcast listeners can get a special discount too! Listen to today’s episode to find out how! You’re not gonna wanna miss this convention. It’s going to be phenomenal.
Lastly, we want to remind you to leave a review on Apple podcasts. Let’s work together to get Texas News up in the ranks!
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