

Texas AG Ken Paxton Files Amicus Brief On TNM v. Facebook Lawsuit

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has filed an amicus brief in the TNM vs....

TEXIT Is Now On Trial In TNM’s Lawsuit Against Facebook Censorship

The TNM is about to make history again. This time we are poised to...

Could Meta misstep open up a window of opportunity for Texit?

There is an ongoing lawsuit between the Texas Nationalist Movement and Meta, the parent...

Facebook Buckles, Reverses Texit Censorship!

Meta, the parent company of Facebook, has reversed its censorship of TEXIT after the...

Texas Nationalist Movement sues Facebook over censorship

The Texas Nationalist Movement and its President, Daniel Miller, have filed a class action...

Facebook Suppresses Texit but Promotes Left Wing Sites

Facebook is somewhat notorious for manipulating its content and for picking "winners” and "losers”...

They Resist, We Persist: Big Tech’s Censorship Of The TNM

If you’re reading this, odds are almost 100% that at some point in the...

What To Do When Facebook Pulls The Plug On TEXIT

Imagine that tomorrow you visited the Texas Nationalist Movement’s Facebook page and it wasn’t...

Facebook Busted In Active Censorship of TNM

Facebook has been under fire for nearly two years for engaging in a policy...

Facebook “War Room”: Objective Referee or Biased Police?

Facebook has opened what they are calling a “war room,” with the goal of...

Facebook Experiences Huge Losses In Wake of Conservative Crack-Down

It’s no secret that the tech companies of Silicon Valley lurch left in their...

FaceExit and TEXIT: Self-Determination in the Micro and Macro

It is no secret to the technologically advanced world that Facebook, the social media...

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In Memory of David Thomas Roberts: A True Texas Patriot and My Friend

With a heavy heart, I share the news of David Thomas Roberts' passing. Dave,...

Supreme Court Dismisses Case on Federal Social Media Influence, Raising Concerns Over Free Speech

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The Campaign For An Independent Republic Of Texas And The Potential Breakup Of The US Federal Government – Reality Check Radio

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