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How Britain’s Post-Brexit Prosperity Paves the Way for Texas’ Economic Independence Through TEXIT

The recent successes of Britain since the historic decision to leave the European Union...

Texas secessionist reveals the FIVE states he’s working with to break up America – Daily Mail

Texas' top secessionist has revealed he's working with pro-independence groups in five US states to break up the union. Daniel Miller, president of the Texas Nationalist Movement (TNM), says he's hatching plans with self-rule activists in California, New Hampshire, Alaska, Florida, and Louisiana.

Texas Secessionists Working With Five Other States, Leader Says – Newsweek

Texan nationalists are coordinating with secessionist campaigners from five other states, who are also interested in breaking away from the United States, according to one of their leaders.

The Moral Equivalence of Anti-TEXIT Advocates and the Communist Chinese Government

In a world where geopolitical tensions are rising, the recent guidelines issued by the...