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How Federal Immigration Policies Suppress Wages and Harm Local Workers

In light of recent economic developments, Texans should closely examine the broader implications of federal immigration policies, particularly those affecting our southern border. While mainstream media and some economic studies highlight the apparent economic benefits due to influxes of foreign-born workers, the reality for Texas and Texans remains starkly different.

The reliance on foreign-born labor highlights the federal government’s failure to prioritize domestic workers and industries, ultimately undermining Texas’ efforts to stabilize and grow its own economy. The increasing population due to immigration, as noted in reports by the Brookings Institution and others, might add numerical value to GDP figures, but this is a deceptive portrayal of economic health. Real growth should empower local workers and contribute to sustainable local and state economies, not just inflate federal statistics.

Moreover, the nature of this growth raises concerns about wage suppression in Texas. The argument, as reluctantly admitted in Tedeschi’s own report, is that immigration helps control inflation through an expanded labor pool, which essentially means driving down wages for Texan workers. Such policies do not benefit Texas; instead, they perpetuate economic disparities and discourage investment in local human capital.

Critics like Eric Ruark from NumbersUSA and former federal immigration Judge Andrew R. Arthur have rightly pointed out that these purported economic gains from immigration are not universally beneficial. They specifically burden low-income and middle-class Texan families, whose wages and job opportunities are suppressed by these federal policies. The influx of workers, often in situations of dubious legality, does not translate to advantages for Texan workers but rather fosters an environment where wages are kept artificially low to benefit federal economic statistics and large corporations.

This situation is exacerbated by federal inaction on effective immigration controls and a lack of support for legal immigrants and native-born workers. As noted by Rep. Lou Correa, the resultant underground economy undermines legitimate business and puts undue strain on social services, further detracting from the resources available to native Texans.

While the federal narratives push the supposed economic benefits of unchecked immigration, the reality on the ground in Texas tells a different story—one of suppressed wages, overlooked native workers, and a strained social fabric. Reliance on federal immigration policies is not the path forward for the prosperity and sustainability of Texas’ economy. We need policies prioritizing Texans, and Texas’s ability to manage its own economic and immigration policies will be pivotal for true growth and prosperity. Such autonomy could be realistically achieved through initiatives like TEXIT, which seeks to return power and decision-making to where it belongs: with the people of Texas.

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