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A Statement on the Unveiling of the Battle of Gonzales Statue

As President of the Texas Nationalist Movement, I am honored to announce that I will be present at the unveiling and dedication of a new statue in Gonzales, Texas. This statue, generously donated to the City of Gonzales by David Thomas Roberts, a member of our Advisory Board, and masterfully sculpted by Craig Campobella, commemorates the Battle of Gonzales—a defining moment in our state’s history.

In a time when there are concerted efforts to dilute, distort, and destroy the unique heritage of Texas, it is more important than ever to stand firm in our cultural independence. This statue serves as a lasting tribute to the resilience and spirit that make us uniquely Texan. It is not just a nod to our past, but a strong statement for our future.

The Texas Nationalist Movement is proud to support initiatives like this that honor our history and fortify our ongoing mission for a free and independent Texas. I look forward to sharing this significant occasion with the community and extend my heartfelt gratitude to everyone who has contributed to this monumental project.

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