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Late Night Coffee Talk: TEXIT Petition, “TEXIT” Party Buzz & TNM’s Upcoming Strategy

In our most recent episode of Late Night Coffee Talk, we provide an in-depth exploration of the TEXIT petition campaign, a central initiative of the Texas Nationalist Movement (TNM). The campaign’s significance is evident, drawing attention both within Texas and nationally. Mr. Miller offers a detailed overview of the campaign’s current status and the strategic steps the TNM plans to take in the near future.

A topic of growing interest is the discussion surrounding the potential establishment of a “TEXIT” political party. Mr. Miller presents a well-considered analysis on this matter, weighing the potential benefits and challenges. He emphasizes the importance of informed discourse and invites feedback from our supporters and the broader community.

This session also unveils the TNM’s strategic direction for the upcoming months, providing clarity and insight into our planned initiatives. As we navigate this crucial phase, transparency remains paramount.

As is customary in our Late Night Coffee Talk series, Mr. Miller addresses questions from our community, both live and those submitted in advance via email. We value this interactive segment as it reinforces our commitment to open dialogue and stakeholder engagement. For those wishing to participate in future discussions, we encourage submissions to

Join us in these insightful sessions as we chart the course toward a brighter future for Texas.

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