It is hard to imagine a starker contrast in outcome than what unfolded at two major political party roundups over the 2024 Memorial Day weekend. The national Libertarian party met in Washington D.C. to choose their party leadership as well as their candidates for president and vice-president of the United States, kicking off their federal election campaign for 2024. Meanwhile, halfway across the nation in San Antonio, Texas, the local Republican Party of Texas held their state convention to choose local party leadership, finalize the local party platform, and kick off their state-level election campaigning. The outcome and message of the two conventions were dramatically different; as widely divergent as national ambitions and local responses have been in the last few months. The party stage at every level is set to showcase the contrast between elitist dream-world and local, real world. It was these two conventions that seemed most likely to sign their names to the coveted titles: “best imagination” or “best turnaround story.” Voters can sign in to decide who won soon.
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