“An Idea whose time has come cannot be stopped by any army or any government” said former Congressman Ron Paul in his presidential campaigns of over a decade ago. The ideas of the ordinary everyday people ruling themselves are not new, but outside of a brief period in America’s early years of independence, they have never had a chance to experience real implementation. Limitations in communication have hampered the ability of the common people to hear, contemplate, and implement these ideas. The Elite ruling classes have also used these limitations and exacerbated them to expand their power while suppressing dissent and challenges to that same power. This has resulted in the Age of Centralization which was born in the aftermath of the Napoleonic Wars and exists through to today.
Looking back through History, it is hard to find a period which has been more disastrous for mankind with the unfathomable scale of destruction wrought by wars, revolutions, man-made famines, persecutions, ideological manipulations and many other nefarious acts. The Elite classes have engaged in these actions without any regard for human life, seeing themselves as “gods” whose pedigree entitles them to use their fellow members of the human race as mere pawns in the games they play on the world chess board for their own amusement. Despite this, however, the ideas of freedom have not died. Rather, thanks to what may go down in history as one of the world’s greatest inventions, namely the information democratizing tool known as the internet, these ideas appear to be on the verge of finally being given the opportunity for full implementation.
Contrary to what many within the Elite and Wanna-Be Elite classes expected and hoped for, secession sentiment within America has not faded with Donald Trump’s electoral victory. Nor have the common people blindly latched on to support every policy put forward by the man or his circle. Indeed, the backlash against Trump, Elon Musk and others as they have revealed their more elitist policies has shown that many are becoming far more involved and aware policy-wise as well as becoming comfortable with expressing their beliefs publicly. This is a key development in any trend back towards freedom and the people taking true control of their own governance. As Trump and Company prove to not be the solution that the people were hoping for, many will finally realize that the real solution lies in taking back control of their own governance. This is what the Elites and Wanna-Be Elites fear most. Once the people themselves take control of their own governance, the Elites’ games will come to an end and they will be finally held accountable for their numerous crimes.
It is said that those who are bound for destruction first go mad. Signs of this abound across the world today. The European Elites are engaged in delusions about defeating and dividing up Russia and it’s resources. All the while their own countries teeter on the precipice of complete economic collapse. In America, a class of Wanna-Be Elites poised to take power are now engaged in fantasies of annexing Greenland, Canada and the Panama Canal. Meanwhile on the home front, soaring government debt and drastic deterioration of the domestic situation has left the peoples of America desperate for long-term solutions. In China, the Elites there dream of becoming a power which can dictate the economies of other nations to their own advantage. Meanwhile their own political system and home economy suffers from worsening systemic instability caused by domestic repression. These are only a small sampling of the widespread signs that the world is coming apart politically. As the Elite classes across the world spiral farther away from reality, the untenability of the common people’s situation will eventually lead to actions which will dismantle the old corrupt structures. Smaller political entities will arise and take back control of their own governance, leaving the globalist tyrants as kings without subjects who will finally face the music. So will end the Age of Centralization and the global sufferings it wrought upon the world.
It is truly quite a time to be alive. To watch in real time the collapse of an old world order and witness the phoenixes which will rise from the ashes. Nations covering large swathes of territory such as Germany, France, Spain, South Africa, China, India and yes, even America, Britain and Canada, will fade into history as mere memories of a totalitarian past. The lessons on power and local governance, which America’s Founding Fathers developed into practice for the world, are finally going to get their day on an even playing field on the world stage. As Thomas Paine wrote in Common Sense during the era of America’s founding: “We have it in our power to begin the world over again.”
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