HomeCommentaryThe Era of Secession

The Era of Secession

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Secession as a concept is regularly scoffed at by most individuals who have wielded power through the years. The general line one hears is, “How could the people possibly keep the peace without rulers deciding things for them?” As the world falls apart more and more thanks to the inept ruling classes, it is becoming clearer to common people that such disdainful rhetoric has no basis in fact.

Many people are opening their minds to rediscover a principle that helped give birth to the American nation – that ordinary people can govern themselves. Newcomers to self-determination in the wider world will start exploring how to put their ideas into practice, and they are bound to discover the American founders achieved self-governance with separation from a corrupt system – in a word – secession.

In recent years, not many ordinary people have paid attention to secession movements, such as in Scotland in 2014 or Catalonia in 2017. Today, however, the corruption and hubris of elites have resulted in the rapid deterioration of societies worldwide. It is motivating people to search for solutions that cut directly to the root of problems that are now becoming quite painful to them. The origin of these pressing problems lies in the political realm, and while ruling classes stifle the traditional avenues of political change, namely elections and electoral opposition, citizens have been forced to look for other means to address the problems effectively. It is this development, more than anything else, which is now driving the rising popularity of “secession as a solution.”Subscribe


Noteworthy secession movements and overall sentiment for independence are both growing at a rapid pace across the world. Some secession movements have progressed to more advanced stages than others, but they are all on the rise. Across Europe, where citizens are obviously suffering from the failures of elite classes, secession sentiment is rising so fast that, in many cases, the rulers of old empires are being forced to pivot from intimidation to negotiation as their power structures crumble.

In Spain, Catalan independence has undergone a dramatic transformation in fortunes over the last eighteen months. It was an object of mockery for the Elitist classes in January 2023, but their position was reversed upon becoming the “kingmakers” in forming Spain’s new government following the 2023 elections. This resulted in an amnesty law which decriminalized the practice of calling for independence from Spain and gave new life to the Catalan separatist movement. It also seems to have inspired rising support for separatist movements in other parts of Northern Spain such as the Basque Provinces and Galicia.

France also faces a future which seems destined for breakup. After being unceremoniously ousted from it’s position of influence in central Africa, the French elites have tried to keep up the nation’s pose as a player on the world stage, especially in regards to the conflict in Ukraine with their bellicose rhetoric towards Russia. It seems to be an act covering a very fragile domestic situation where protests on multiple issues from farming to immigration have shaken the country to its core. Emboldened, separatists on the island of Corsica have taken this opportunity to force President Macron to the bargaining table to discuss their demands. Meanwhile, separatist movements in Brittany, French Catalonia, and other areas have been revived and will likely be in a position to make similar moves in the near future.

Even the recent historical powerhouses of Europe, Britain and Brussels, are being pulled apart by separatist forces. Brussels, the capitol of the European Union and headquarters of NATO, is facing the prospect of being surrounded by Eurosceptic territory if a local Flemish secession party, seeking independence from both Belgium and the European Union, works it’s way into control in Flanders in the not-too-distant future. Britain’s elites face even more pressure as the last vestige of their larger empire, the British Commonwealth, is headed for dissolution, with multiple Commonwealth nations planning to depart. Within its home territory, electoral dissatisfaction is rife, and several movements are arising which seek to divide the British Isles into multiple countries. There are discussions about reforming Scottish Nationalism and bringing about a second independence referendum. In Wales, the Welsh nationalist party appears to be rising in electoral momentum and polls are showing growing support for independence which could soon morph into more intense political activism. Voters in Northern Ireland recently brought the Sinn Fein party to power, a party with intentions to negotiate secession from Great Britain and a reunification with the Republic of Ireland. Even in the far north, the Orkney Islands are discussing secession from Britain to either seek independence or to join with a nearby nation.Subscribe

Africa, Asia, Oceania

The old remnants of colonialism and totalitarianism in Africa, Asia, and Oceania are showing their true natures as their control begins to wane with rising calls for freedom and local governance. Several nations in central Africa seem to be in the process of ridding themselves of the last vestiges of European colonialism. The recent expulsion of French influence from several colonies in the area over the last five years has been a consistent signal of this ongoing trend. In other nations across these three continents, colonial and totalitarian influences are causing an untenable situation for the peoples in their respective territories. This is driving them to seek separation from those powers corrupted by these influences.

In Nigeria a test run of a CBDC program by the Elites failed spectacularly through mass nullification by the Nigerian population. The economic fallout from the CBDC implementation attempt, along with the ongoing violence from the Boko Haram terrorist group (another Western-caused malady), is now driving the people in different parts of Nigeria to seek their own solutions through self-governance. The long-repressed Biafra Independence movement in southeastern Nigeria is beginning to find it’s voice again as they deal with the added burden of discrimination from the national government and it’s dominant factions. Meanwhile the Yoruba peoples of southwestern Nigeria recently took steps to assert their independence, which has left Nigerian politicians in a state of bewilderment as they try to regain control of their country.

Further down the coast in South Africa, the collapsing economy and widespread racial tensions exacerbated by Marxist political parties have created instability. Consequently, many outside the circles of power have been taking matters of peace and self-governance into their own hands. In the Western Cape province, with its distinctly unique culture, racial mix, and economic situation, a movement for independence is rapidly rising in popularity. Its rising popularity has now begun alarming many of the elites holding political power in South Africa, who are resorting to baseless accusations of racism and apartheid to stop them. Northeast of the Cape, the Afrikaner peoples in the community of Orania, are slowly establishing their economic independence from the rest of South Africa’s failing economy. Many see this as a step on the path to establish an independent state for the Afrikaners, who have also been labeled as racists and apartheid sympathizers by elite classes in South Africa.

Across the Indian Ocean in the former Spanish and American colony of the Philippines, a major political crisis is unfolding between two leading political factions within the country. One is beholden to American interests which seek to join in on ratcheting up tensions with China, and the other is seeking to preserve peace by seeking good relations with all its neighbors. With the one faction holding dominance and pursuing the tensions with China, the other has proposed that its main base of support, the island of Mindanao, should secede from the rest of the Philippines and proceed on its own course. While the backlash from many leading politicians in the country has been considerable, the proposal has generated conversation within the country concerning the grievances Mindanao has suffered from other parts of the nation for several years.

Finally, on the neighboring continent of Oceania, two different islands are seeking independence as the solution to problems brought about by outdated political attachments, with a third island weighing it’s options. The island of Bougainville is seeking to resolve a sixty year situation where it’s resources have been exploited and mismanaged by elitist corporatists with no benefit for the people of the island. They are now awaiting final approval of a national divorce agreement in which they would separate from Papua New Guinea and assert control over their own resources for their people’s benefit. Nearby on the island of New Caledonia, rising local agitation for secession has been proving a challenge to the French in their bid to retain control of one of their last colonies. Lastly, the people of the island of Yap, in response to reported neglect from their rulers in the Micronesian government, recently endorsed a ballot measure calling for a re-evaluation of their status, which includes exploring the secession option.

North America

On the North American continent, the people are finally seeing for themselves how the elite classes of their respective nations have grown rich and fat on the largesse of foreign lobbyists and crony capitalists while ignoring the needs of the populace. There are more and more people with a new-found desire to re-assert control of their own governance. Beginning with steps by parents taking over their local school boards, it has now expanded into widespread efforts to nullify tyrannical laws. Resistance is only part of the story though; there is growing support for secession movements across multiple states.

The secession process is most advanced on the island of Greenland, one of the last European colonies still existing in North America. In 2021, a left wing pro-independence party allied with other more dedicated independence parties in the aftermath of local elections to form a new government in Nuuk. This government put forward a draft constitution for an independent Greenland in mid-2023 intended for parliamentary discussion and research before presenting it to Denmark as proof of their plan to separate. Denmark has political reasons for it’s reluctance to let Greenland go, but there has been a lack of united hostility in geopolitical circles to the idea, which speaks well for its prospects in the near-future.

The indicators of national divorce are becoming more and more apparent in Canada. Canada’s elite classes are drunk on power since they appear to have gotten away with egregious abuses of said power during the COVID lockdowns and the Freedom Convoy crackdowns. Now Justin Trudeau and his tyrannical government in Ottawa have started engaging in dangerous rhetoric and actions towards opposing leaders, which has raised tensions across Canada’s political landscape.

The tensions are highest in the west where a well-formed resistance to elite agendas is being led by Alberta premier Danielle Smith. In one of her first acts as premier in late 2022, Smith began to forcefully assert Alberta’s sovereignty within Canada, introducing the Alberta Sovereignty Act. It was shortly followed by a similar assertion of sovereignty by Saskatchewan premier Scott Moe and the Saskatchewan legislature. In response, Ottawa threatened to take away the western provinces’ rights to their natural resources which generated a fierce backlash. The backlash proved to be popular with the people, propelling Smith to a resounding electoral win some months later, which further emboldened local leaders to stand their ground.

As this situation settled into a tense stalemate, more immediate tensions began rising in response to Trudeau playing favorites in the implementation of his green agenda. This prompted Smith to invoke the Sovereignty Act to protect Alberta from these regulations while Moe worked to see laws passed declaring that Saskatchewan would not collect certain taxes demanded by the regulations. Again, the response from Ottawa was swift, with Trudeau threatening to arrest Moe. Trudeau also went so far as to engage in illegal negotiations with local entities in Alberta to undermine Smith’s power. Neither of these actions has deterred Moe or Smith from standing their ground and pushing back however. With no prospects for a resolution in sight, it seems tensions will only grow between Ottawa and these western provinces for the foreseeable future.

On the eastern front, the province of Quebec has largely different quarrels with Ottawa, but the tensions are growing there too. The secessionist Parti Quebecois’ surge in popularity and their promise of a third referendum on Quebec independence makes it clear the people of Quebec have had enough of Ottawa’s political heavy-handedness. The secessionist sentiment has apparently grown so strong that the Parti Quebecois felt obliged to unveil a detailed plan explaining how, as an independent nation, Quebec would maintain it’s sovereignty. While elections are not expected for two years yet, the momentum is trending in the right direction for Quebec to split from Canada in the not-too-distant future. A slowly growing sovereigntist movement in the neighboring province of New Brunswick would also benefit, as Quebec independence would create a political barrier between the province and Ottawa. That would give New Brunswickers added incentive to break away from Canada as well.

In the United States, a nation which has long been propagandized to oppose secession because of details surrounding the American War Between the States, the long-standing narrative is losing its hold on the people. Recent electoral disasters and mindless governance from the top have shown the people just how depraved, corrupt, and out-of-touch the elite classes have become. A key indicator of the change in mood was revealed in the positive popular response from everyday people to Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene’s public comments endorsing the concept of National Divorce. With the regular avenues of change, such as the electoral process, now so corrupted in America as to be effectively useless, the people have had to begin exploring other means to bring about necessary change. Rising unchecked crime, illegal immigration, a rapidly dying economy, and the forced implementation of repulsive ideologies have just added urgency to the need to find an avenue for meaningful change.

America also boasts the unique secession phenomenon of “border-changing movements” where smaller political entities such as counties and cities seek to separate from corrupted higher political entities while remaining within the larger American framework. The most prominent of these movements in the public eye are the Greater Idaho and Illinois Separation movements, but they are hardly the only ones. Proposals and efforts in this realm have begun to explode across the nation, especially in areas where elite failure is far more pronounced.

One of the most advanced secession causes in the United States is in Texas, where the Texas Nationalist Movement (TNM) has been bringing believers in Texian sovereignty together to push for Texas independence from DC. The Texas Border Crisis of early 2024 thrust the Texas nationalism issue into the spotlight and has inspired more Texans than ever before into supporting the TNM and its secessionist cause. The Elites have tried to keep the lid on the talk about Texas secession, most notably through their shady machinations which kept a non-binding question about Texit off the Republican primary ballot. All that did was show the depth of their desperation to hang on to power. The steady takeover of the Texas Republican party by Texit supporters has continued despite these setbacks, and the growing possibility of Texas independence in the near-future has inspired neighboring counties in Colorado and New Mexico to propose movements to secede from their respective states and join Texas in it’s bid for independence.

Not far behind Texas is the northeastern state of New Hampshire and their NH Independence Movement (NHexit). Here local initiatives to re-assert the state’s sovereignty have been slowly garnering support. Innovative proposals such as bills setting a debt limit secession trigger and seeking to withdraw the state from the Federal Reserve system have ignited debate over what preparations for eventual secession might look like. Though push back from loyalist figures have slowed the movement’s progress, steadily increasing support has shown up in larger vote totals in the legislature, rising activism among the populace, and efforts to lay the groundwork for an alliance with the Texas Nationalist Movement which would continue after secession. All are positive signs of a state which is already in a secessionist mindset and looking to clear away local hindrances to that fast-approaching reality.

The Greater Idaho movement in the Pacific Northwest seeks to have counties from eastern and southern Oregon, northern California, and southeast Washington separate from their respective states and join Idaho. The movement has widespread public support in eastern Oregon (in spite of an opposition movement with elitist connections) and a resume of successful county-level referendums endorsing the proposal. The demonstration of widespread support has prompted action from Idaho’s legislature to hold hearings on these Oregon counties’ requests. It has also led to the first summit between Idaho and Oregon state legislators, with county officials and Greater Idaho representatives also present, for preliminary talks regarding the transfer of counties from Oregon to Idaho.

The Illinois Separation movement has also shown widespread support from the people who have an interest in seeing the state of Illinois separate from the deteriorating city of Chicago. Chicago-based elites pushing disarmament and other elite-sponsored agendas have only made the idea of splitting the state off from the Windy City grow in popularity. To date, twenty-six counties and two townships have endorsed the idea through referendums. More referendums are planned heading into November of 2024, with the goal being a convention of like-minded counties and townships. The county convention representatives would then discuss whether to form their own state or if they should seek to join neighboring states such as Missouri or Kentucky.

The activism and growing progress of all four of these movements, along with the failure of elitist policies, has emboldened secession and nullification activists across America to form new movements of their own. Next door to Texas, the bayou state of Louisiana has launched it’s own movement seeking separation from the DC EmpireIn California, at least five different secession movements seek to split up the state and/or take it out of the United States. Further up the Pacific coast in Washington, a movement in the eastern part of the state (outside of the counties looking to join Greater Idaho) is seeking to form the new state of Liberty and may be due for a surge of support thanks to a totalitarian (and very confusing) hate speech law now coming into effect. Across country in Minnesota, as the Twin Cities implode domestically, a new movement has arisen seeking to pull western counties out to form their own state or join neighboring states, which some speculate could be a preliminary to breaking up the whole state.

Even at the most local levels of cities and counties, things are beginning to break up. News of the successful secession of St. George from the city of Baton Rouge, after a protracted campaign and legal battle, shocked and invigorated like-minded people across the nation. On the east coast, New York city and state are cracking apart as residents of Long Island discuss the idea of statehood, and Staten Island residents pursue separation over the immigration crisis. In Austin, Texas, certain sections of the city have lent overwhelming electoral endorsements to proposals to form their own cities. Most telling of all, steadily rising support for a movement to split up a more rural county in western Pennsylvania to better address local needs speaks to the growing popularity of these ideas among local citizens.

In other parts of the nation, open defiance toward elitist mandates is also becoming more popular, planting the seeds for further secession activism. In Wyoming and Louisiana laws have been passed forthrightly stating that the state governments will not enforce certain federal or globalist laws and/or treaties. In Florida, governor Ron DeSantis continues to take steps to defy federal and globalist mandates and appears to be building up his own state-run military to prepare Florida to defend itself if necessary. Even local governments are asserting their right of nullification, especially in those states where elitist policies are being most forcefully pursued, such as in Michigan where one township not only declared itself a sanctuary for the second amendment, but sent out a call for volunteers to form a local self-defense militia.


An old Chinese saying is “May you live in interesting times.” It is hard to imagine more interesting times than the ones currently emerging. History has never seen such a widespread rise in negative public sentiment toward the legitimacy of ruling elites. The common people, empowered by the democratization of information through the internet, are now beginning to take matters into their own hands. The world appears to be entering an era of political transformation whose ramifications will be studied for the rest of time.


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