Looking back at 2024, one thing stands crystal clear: Texas independence has moved in the minds of most Texans from a question of “if” to a matter of “when.” While the political establishment desperately clings to their worn-out narratives, the numbers tell a different story – one of unstoppable momentum and inevitable change.
This year, our message reached nearly 400 million people through more than 300 media appearances. When Dr. Phil brought Texas independence into millions of homes during primetime, it wasn’t just another media appearance. It was proof that what was once dismissed as unthinkable had become impossible to ignore.
TNM Celebrates Victories at RPT Convention With Election of “TEXAS FIRST” Chair and Vice ChairThe March primaries delivered a clear mandate for independence, with ten new Texas First Pledge signers winning their way to the Legislature. These victories weren’t just political wins – they were confirmation that Texans are ready for real change. With both the Chair and Vice Chair of the Republican Party of Texas standing as Texas First Pledge signers, our movement has secured unprecedented support at the highest levels of Texas politics.
Our grassroots expansion tells an even more compelling story. Fifty new county organizations have begun organizing this year, building the foundation for what comes next. When 140,000 Texans signed their names demanding a vote on independence, they weren’t just signing a petition – they were signing a declaration that the status quo is no longer acceptable.
The political establishment felt the tremors. When Governor Abbott implemented our border security proposals, it proved what we’ve said all along – Texas solutions work better than Federal failures. Every Federal overreach, every bureaucratic blunder, every attack on Texas sovereignty only strengthens our case.
The Federal Government’s desperate attempts to force Texas to connect our power grid to their failing system revealed their true agenda. They don’t want to help Texas – they want to control Texas. But their efforts backfired, just like every other attempt to stop the inevitable march toward Texas independence.
Polling shows 60% of Texans now support Texas peacefully becoming an independent nation. This isn’t just a majority – it’s a mandate. More telling is the breadth of this support: 73% of Republicans, 54% of Democrats, and 54% of Independents favor independence. When 67% of Texans aged 18-34 support independence, it’s clear which way the political winds are blowing.
Our Department of International Engagement‘s relaunch opens new doors for collaboration with independence movements worldwide. We’re not just building a movement – we’re building a network of allies who understand that self-determination is a fundamental right of all peoples.
Looking ahead to 2025, we face our greatest opportunity yet. The Texas Independence Referendum Act will be filed in the upcoming legislative session, supported by our strongest legislative coalition ever. The groundwork we’ve laid in 2024 – the county organizations, the media presence, the legislative support – all comes together in the upcoming session.
Yes, we face challenges. The petition campaign showed us that gathering signatures isn’t cheap, and our opponents have deep pockets. But while they’re spending other people’s money to maintain their control, we’re investing in our future. Every dollar we spend, every hour we volunteer, every conversation we have with our neighbors brings us closer to our goal.
The Federal Government’s grip on Texas grows weaker by the day, while our resolve grows stronger. Their desperate attempts to maintain control – whether through grid integration proposals or border policy interference – only highlight why independence is necessary. Each Federal overreach, each bureaucratic blunder, each attack on Texas sovereignty strengthens our case.
To those who’ve been with us from the beginning – your persistence has paid off. To those who’ve joined us this year – you’re part of something historic. To those still wondering if Texas independence is possible – look at what we’ve accomplished in 2024. Then imagine what we’ll achieve in 2025 with your help.
The path to independence runs through the Texas Legislature, through our county organizations, through every conversation about our future. In 2024, we built the foundation. In 2025, we’ll build the house of Texas independence on that foundation.
Our strategy is clear: expand our county organizations, strengthen our legislative relationships, and continue educating Texans about their right to self-government. With 190 total Texas First Pledge supporters and 65 current officeholders backing our cause, we’re positioned for unprecedented success in the upcoming legislative session.
The political class can feel the ground shifting under their feet. They know what we know: Texas independence isn’t just an idea anymore. It’s not just a movement. It’s become something more powerful – it’s become inevitable.
2024 was the year Texans chose their future. 2025 is the year we begin to build it. The window of what’s politically possible has moved, and there’s no moving it back. We’re no longer just talking about independence – we’re building the framework for it, piece by piece.
To those who say it can’t be done, we point to our accomplishments. To those who say it won’t happen, we show them our growing numbers. To those who say it’s too difficult, we remind them that nothing worth achieving comes easily.
The future belongs to those who show up and do the work. In 2024, we showed up in unprecedented numbers. In 2025, we’ll finish what we started. The time for Texas independence has come, and no force on earth can stop an idea whose time has come.
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