The opening day of the Texas Legislature revealed a troubling alliance between establishment Republicans and Democrats as Dustin Burrows secured the Speaker’s gavel with an 85-55 vote. The victory came through a coalition that saw numerous Republicans break ranks with their party to join Democrats in supporting Burrows over David Cook.
The vote exposed the fault lines in Austin between those committed to genuine Texas self-governance and those willing to compromise with Democrats to maintain their grip on power. Burrows’ pre-session commitment to power-sharing with Democrats signals business as usual in a capitol that consistently puts political expediency ahead of Texas interests.
However, the strong showing of 55 representatives standing with Cook demonstrates growing momentum for real change in Austin. These representatives, many who signed the Texas First Pledge, proved that there is a substantial and growing bloc of leadership willing to put Texas interests first.

The selection of Burrows through this Democrat-enabled victory presents challenges for legislation aimed at protecting Texas sovereignty. When the critical moments come this session – moments that demand standing firm against federal overreach – Texans must remain vigilant and engaged to ensure our interests aren’t compromised through backroom deals.
The vote totals tell a clear story: establishment Republicans would rather forge alliances with Democrats than support leadership committed to putting Texas first. But this political reality only reinforces why our movement grows stronger every day. Texans are increasingly aware that real change requires their active participation and dedicated support.
The true test will come as bills addressing federal overreach and Texas sovereignty make their way through the House. The Texas Nationalist Movement and our supporters will be watching every vote, every committee hearing, and every backroom deal. We will ensure that Texans know exactly where their representatives stand on protecting Texas sovereignty.
The most critical test of Burrows’ leadership will be his handling of legislation giving Texans a vote on independence. While Burrows has maintained neutrality on the issue in the past, his close associations with vocal anti-TEXIT representatives raise legitimate concerns. Previous speakers have consistently blocked Texans from having their say on the relationship between Texas and the federal government, often through procedural maneuvers and backroom dealings.
However, the landscape has shifted dramatically since those battles. Support for a vote on TEXIT has grown substantially among Texas voters, and the coalition of 55 representatives who stood against business-as-usual politics shows that the appetite for real change has reached even the halls of the capitol.
The path forward is clear: we must continue building our grassroots movement, supporting those representatives who stand with us, and holding accountable those who don’t. Speaker Burrows now faces a choice – continue the establishment tradition of denying Texans their voice, or recognize that Texans deserve the right to vote on their future. The Texas Nationalist Movement and our supporters will be watching closely.

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